Oncology Massage

I am fully trained and insured in providing oncology massage for clients who are coping with the effects of treatment for Cancer.

I have received specialised training for Oncology Massage from the Amethyst Trust, endorsed by Penny Brohn UK, who are pioneers in the “whole person” approach to Cancer. I am also part of the Complementary Therapy team at North Devon Hospice, where I have provided my therapies to patient referrals for over eight years.

How Massage Can Help You

Massage can help lift your mood, improve your sleep and enhance your wellbeing. Massage for those with Cancer is recommended as a natural way to help you relax and cope with:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Pain
  • Headaches
  • Side effects of treament

I am also trained in Myofascial Release and Scar Tissue Relief, which works on the connective tissue (the fascia) and can help with restrictions in the fascia after surgery and to help with range of movement, where there is scar tissue.

What to Expect

I will ask you some general questions about your health, lifestyle and medical history on your first visit. I may ask to speak to your GP if I have concerns about whether your massage may interfere with your treatment. It is rare that your Doctor will say “no” or even that I would need to ask. I will tailor your massage treatment around any medical care you may be receiving and adapt for your specific needs.

If you would like to know more about my massage treatments, please do contact me either by phone or email shown on my ‘Contact’ page.