Ear Candling

534141Thermo-auricular therapy is a deeply relaxing, soothing and calming treatment which can offer real benefits for many problems. As well as inducing a pleasant feeling of warmth and balance of pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses, it can also be useful to relieve signs of stress and help to relax the mind and calm your thoughts.

Thermo-Auricular Therapy is the professional use of Ear Candles which are placed in the outer edge of the ear canal and allowed to burn.  The candles work very gently on a chimney principle. The pleasant warm smoke gently vibrates and the warm air generated gives a very pleasant massage effect to the ear drum. This helps to balance the pressure in the ears and sinuses and helps in softening ear wax, which than can be dispersed by the body.  I use Neal’s Yard Remedies’ Ear Candles which are hand-made from the highest quality ingredients, including organic unbleached cotton dipped in organic beeswax which are thoroughly tested for safety and quality.

This treatment also includes a relaxing facial massage, concentrating on acupressure points to help rid toxins and clear the sinuses as well as an ear and scalp massage to further aid relaxation.

Ear Candling helps:

  • Sinusitis
  • Headaches and migraine
  • Tinnitus
  • Excessive wax
  • Catarrh
  • Glue ear
  • Meniere’s Disease

Please note: Oil should not be used in the ears for up to 48 hours before a treatment.

If you have ongoing problems with the ears, balance or headaches/migraine a course of treatment may be needed to reap the full benefits of this therapeutic treatment.

Price: £35 for 45 minutes or £100 for a course of 3 treatments if paid for in advance

Why not add an Indian Head Massage for a deeply relaxing experience?

Special price for both treatments £60.00 for 85 minutes